Join in all the excitement at Dale Westmoreland Field!
KO Baseball 2025 News!
All 2025 KO Baseball Photos from your webmaster are - and will be - here!
1st varsity scrimmage vs. Grand Oaks is in process. The first inning is posted at the link above and the others are coming. What I saw today at Dale Westmoreland field was a bunch of Panthers competing their asses off! I love these guys!
We would love to have pictures from others. Please contact your webmaster at garykohs@outlook.com and we can feature them here!
Meet the Panthers -
Group 1 is the guys who played the 1st game at "Meet the Panthers" - mostly the younger guys. Group 2 is the guys who played the 2nd game.
If someone is missing - or you would like an adjustment to the edit - please email the photographer at garykohs@outlook.com.

Click for more images!

Congratulations, Reed Osborne!
We get to treasure this outstanding middle infielder one more year before he goes to Western Texas! We are so proud of you, Reed!

Congratulations, Tanner Cooper!
Our outstanding catcher will continue his education and baseball career at Hill College! You make us proud, Tanner!

Makoy has committed to University of Texas Permian Basin!
Congratulations, Makoy!
We are proud of you!
EJ has committed to continue his education and his baseball career at Coastal Bend College in Beeville, Texas!
We are so proud of you, EJ, and your dedication in chasing your dreams! But first, one more year as a KO Panther!
EJ Garcia!!

We are so proud of you, Matt, and salute you for the dedication that it took to get to this level!
Congratulations, Matt Scott!!
Matt has committed to continue his baseball career and his education at The University of Texas at Austin!!
We look forward, though, to one more year as a KO Panther!!